This page contains information on the various reports stemming from the UK Veterans Family Study. This section will be regularly updated as new information and reports become available from the study.
There are currently expected to be 3 main reports as output of this study, however there may be other reports that result from this work which will similarly be promoted on this site.
Report 1
The first report, which has now been published, explores existing evidence on the psychological health and wellbeing of families of those who have served in the Armed Forces in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.
While research on the experiences of military families has increased over the last 20 years, there are many gaps in understanding the needs of these families and how best to support them during and after the transition to civilian life.
Click on the picture to access the report.
Report 2
The second report from the UK Veterans Family Study focuses on understanding the support needs of veteran families and family members across the UK.
Family members and service providers spoke with the research team, who outlined support needs by region, highlighted successful programs/support, and made recommendations for care, initiatives, and programs to meet these support needs.
Click on the picture to access the report.
Report 3
The third report from the UK Veterans Family Study focuses on the psychological health, wellbeing, and social support amongst UK Veteran Families.
This is the final report and details the main findings from the online survey and one-on-one interviews.
Click on the picture to access the report.